Florida is a lot different in terms of insurance rates compared to most other states. We will go over a little bit of the history of why Florida is the way it is and why a lot of people in Florida are noticing their rates are really high.
Florida is ranked in the top for the highest insurance rates in the nation.
There's a few reasons that the insurance rates are so high in Florida. Specifically, you can personally thank...
ank Miami because Miami Florida is one of the highest risks in all the nation. They have very high end cars, a lot of traffic, and they also have a lot of theft that is causing the rates to go up.
Miami is having tons of claims, tons of fraud, and you it's grown between those two it's kind of branched off into the other state or the other areas you got a lot of visitors come in for you know Disneyworld and all that and they don't know how to drive they're not ready for the faster paced driving and that's the way Florida is that's a big reason the rates are higher than normal right now.
According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau, of all accidents that are staged in the US Florida is the number one fraud state in the nation. Literaly everyone is in on the accident business in Florida. You hear tons of ads on the radio for Lawyers, and payouts. There is lots of fraud lots of false claims and they're just collecting on so many claims there's so much fraud so much payout that it's forcing the prices to go up.
People in South Florida are paying twice as much than most areas in Florida. In fact, most South Florida areas are paying double the price of orlando. For example, if you're gonna pay twenty seven hundred dollars a year on average in miami, where you're gonna pay about twelve hundred or a thousand a year for insurance in more northern areas of Floria.
You'll notice most companies you talk to, they will run a consumer report.
They're basically checking to see if you live where you say you live. Proof of residency is big for checking for fraud and verifying that people are not falsifying their address for lower insurance rates.
Smart insurance companies are gonna require you to carry a lot of information so you're gonna have to approve a cable bill and a electric bill at the same time it has to be in your name at this address perfectly matched.
If you're new to insurance or if you're a young driver if that LexisNexis pops up and you don't have any bills you just gotta move on there's nothing you can do at that point don't get mad at the company they're actually trying to save you money once you've gotten it established in a place get a couple bills in your name or at least have your parents put your bills on your name and then just contribute to that part then you can go back to that company six months from now or however long it is and then show them the proof of residency don't get discouraged when you run into something like that that's for protection your insurance person or for your normal person in Florida that's some of the reasons that they're high.